Friday, February 28, 2020

Weird Strawberry Car

Strawberry Car

Original Car

Original Texture 


Line the strawberry up with the car 
Hide the strawberry 
Outline the car using the magic wand tool
Select the strawberry layer, make it visible 
Mask the strawberry layer
Add a "Subtract" blending layer 

Snake Car Animal to Car

Snake Car

Final Product 

First set of layers 

Second set of layers

Original Lemon 
Original Grass Block

            Original Lava 

Original Snake Skin

Original Image 

Line the snake skin up with the car 
Make a lot of copies of the snake skin
Hide the skins
Use the magic wand tool to select the green on the car
Mask one of the snake skin layers 
Repeat until the whole car is covered
Use the magic wand tool to outline the headlight 
Mask the lemon over the headlight
Outline the ground as much as possible with the magic wand tool
Mask the lava over it 
Use the magic wand tool to outline the grass 
Mask the grass block over it 

Sketch Up 1

I can't do online schooling  And it shows This is all I have