Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Final Hour of my Coding Journey

Almost done!

Still couldn't figure it out 

Finally figured it out

Did the rest of the keyboard inputs 

Increasing the variable?

That's the end of my coding journey

Ninth Hour of Coding

Almost got the hang of it

Staring to put keyboard inputs in

Created a function

Had that weird glitch again where everything is white 
Also couldn't figure out why it wasn't working 

Still couldn't figure out what was wrong and this took too long

Eighth Hour of Coding

Finishing the last thing

I don't know why but when I got back on it turned white and just wouldn't show anything 

I don't even know what I'm doing here but it says I'm doing it right

Finished this section with no idea what I was actually doing 

and my hour was up

Seventh Hour of Coding

Just going along 

Starting something new again

I thought I just forgot to put the brackets

Turns out I just put it in the wrong spot

This took a lot longer than I wanted...

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sixth Hour of Coding

Going a lot slower 

Finally figured out why it wasn't working it didn't like the color I was using

I forgot to put a piece of the code 

Fixed it and it all worked 

This took a little longer than I wanted...

Fifth Hour of Coding

Starting to get Coding more but It Still Takes A Long Time to do Much

Start of a new section

Trying to set up a "gameState" variable 

I don't know why it didn't work the first time but it works now

I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working before my hour was up

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fourth Hour of Coding

Starting to Grasp Coding more 

Learning Something New

Set up an Update Function

I put the "+" and "=" Backwards 

Fixed It

I sat here for a long time trying to figure this out

By the Time I did Figured it out My Hour was up

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Third Hour of Coding

Getting the Hang of Coding 

Finally Figured out how to Create a Config

Didn't Work because I miss typed "Game"

Fixed It

Starting this Section

Created A Function

Typed "Create" instead of "Add"

Tried to Fix it but I forgot to add the Squiggly Brackets

Fixed it and Finished off the Section

Hour Was Up

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Second Hour of Coding

Struggling with my Coding 

Learning to Add a Background 

Adding the Background 

Trying to Define Config

Still Struggling 

Couldn't Figure it Out 

Monday, April 20, 2020

First Hour Of Coding

Start of my Coding Journey 

First Opening the Program

Learning to Change the Words

Changing the Background Color/Word Color

Learning About Making Circles 

Making my First Circle

Changing the Color of the Circle

Moving and Resizing the Circle

On to the Next Part

Couldn't Figure out what to do 

Finally Figured it out

Sketch Up 1

I can't do online schooling  And it shows This is all I have